Sunday, July 13, 2014

24.8 Miles in 48 Hours

This post is too long coming, but here it is!

At the beginning of June I had the wonderful challenge of hiking 24.8 miles over the course of two days. It was a hard decision to do the Martha's Vineyard Land Bank cross-island hike after a day-trip to see the Emerald Necklace in Boston, but I knew I would never get to again.

The Daytrip to Boston to Tour the Emerald Necklace entailed an 8+ mile haul across Boston to experience Frederick Law Olmsted's opus. Jim Gorman was a wonderful guide and had valuable insights into

View over the Commons towards the public garden.

Then, the next morning at 7 a.m. I hopped on my bike and rode a mile to Lambert's Cove Beach to start the annual cross-island hike at 8 a.m.. We made our way through several Land Bank properties, snaking our way over the hilly terrain of western Martha's Vineyard. It was grueling at times, but the weather wasn't terribly hot and there was a forgiving breeze. Those who did the entire leg definitely bonded and we had that much more appreciation for the vistas and more curiosities for the nooks and crannies we passed through. I even had the pleasure of meeting several folks from the Vineyard Gazette and got the skinny on some on-island issues. Here is their story of the hike, as their correspondents actually did the whole hike.

A pause in the cross-island hike before a new turn as part of the group catches up.

Find the people! This is truly an amazing Styphnolobium japonicum. It's found its home in the Public Garden in Boston and it is quite the sight. I had the pleasure of meeting this species of plant at the J.C. Raulston Arboretum and I would have never envisioned that the plant I met there has this kind of potential!

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