Sunday, December 6, 2015

Gardening at a16th Century House in Scotland

I really couldn't believe it when I saw this was where we were going to be gardening. #horticulture #dreamstatus
When Hannah asked me if I'd be interested in gardening at a house east of Edinburgh, of course I was interested. She was excited about the amount of space and freedom we'd have, and the south-facing wall the space had, which would help give the plants a boost in this high latitude!

We made plans to go with Jenny today to get out from under studying for a little while and out of Edinburgh! It was a beautiful day today, albeit colder, than the last few days of wind and rain. The drive through the Scottish countryside was picturesque and the golden light, seemingly already fading at 10:30 in the morning, was making the humidity in the air glow.

When Jenny pulled into the narrow wall surrounding the house (pictured above) I could hardly let myself believe where we were. I immediately recognized the period of the house, but I hadn't ever been in a real, functioning 16th century house and it was crazy to think it was a real thing to live in them. But, it was real! (Click the house to see more photos.)

We were there to garden though, so here's the 'before':

And here's the 'after'. Success, for the first day and an hour's work.

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